What began as a casual conversation between Chase and family friends or fishermen alike quickly became a business idea born from the realization that there was a hole in the boating industry. Whether it be mamas not wanting to go on the boat due to the snacks, the drinks, the towels, etc., or fishermen not fishing as much because of the prep work of rigging rods, ice, gas, and the list goes on, the hassle of having a boat outweighed the joy it brought.
Boat owners work hard to afford these vessels, so it’s only right that they should be able to enjoy them. With this in mind, The Boatler was formed to serve its clients through pre-trip prep and post-trip tidying. It’s time to let The Boatler take on the “hassles” and for you to enjoy the vessel you worked hard to afford. The Boatler currently serves Baldwin County, Alabama, and is due to expand across the Gulf Coast in the next few months.
Let us help you put the fun back into boating. Book The Boatler today.